360 Degree Heart Maja Dezulovic
Her voice is fresh and clean. In a world wrapped within layers
of cynicism her voice is a crisp escape. Her first eBook has just been published. Her title 360 Degree Heart delivers. In a story told in poetry and verse she explores the
world of love and relationships. There is no dark brooding though there are some
Her young voice stands out as she explores, learns and reveals what lessons her heart has taken from the experiences of love and lovers. She shares the innocence of her heart and the wisdom of her words ring across the pages with a tone that is clear and concise.
The design of the jacket tells a story as the heart trimmed with lace speaks volumes about the approach to be found between these covers. In this case digital covers as so far this title is presented in eBook form.
From start to finish there is a joy to be found here. There is a feeling similar to walking along a bubbling brook on a clear spring morning. The imagery conjured with her pen is often serene.
It is my hope that we are offered much more from this fine new author. She has broken through the barriers to publish her work now her task is to enjoy the moment and begin another project that can top the efforts displayed here in 360 Degree Heart.
She decided to publish on Amazon for Kindle. All of you who have
access to Kindle will be pleasantly surprised at the talent found flowing from
the pages.
I was offered the honour of writing the foreword to 360 Degree
Maja Dezulovic has deftly woven her poetry into a tapestry of love. Her voice is as
rich and refreshing as the sound of a waterfall along a forest path. You will
find your head nodding in agreement as her words flow from the page into your
With her keen eye she has recorded the purity of our universal experience with love
and the promise of love. There is genuineness to her insight that is not often
found. Her voice will lift you to the stars and then gently cradle you during
the descent.
Her wisdom is in no way naïve. Where it would be common to drop into despair at the
loss of love she chooses to glide to a landing of hope.
She dances near the edge of love to a calypso cadence and you will hold your breath
in anticipation of the next stanza. You will find her writing elegant,
comfortable, and enticing. Her words are imbued with charms that are visionary
in their appeal.
Page after page your thoughts will be I have been there and I oh, so very much want to go there.
Mike Friedman
Mockingbird Books

Maja has done it again - Here is her latest release - Expressions of Humanity - here she plants some signpost of her young journey. Encourage her efforts, you will be rewarded.
Tug of War, the first in a series to be released by the new publishing house NoSkin.